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Material Automation System of New Yuehua Group's Subsidiary
Material Automation System of New Yuehua Group's Subsidiary
2024-09-18 16:10
The client is a listed company that produces functional materials. Weijie designed and built a fully automated production line for new materials for it. The materials transported are slaked lime and clay, with a total production capacity of 36 tons per day. Bulk materials are pneumatically transported from tank trucks to an 80 cubic meter outdoor large silo. The materials are transported from the large silo to a weighing tank. The weighing tank measures the required materials according to the preset formula of the central control system, realizing fully automated material processing, greatly saving transportation costs and labor costs, and can monitor material usage in real time. The dust emission concentration of the dust collector is ≤30mg/Nm3. Noise index: less than 80DB when tested 1 meter away from the equipment.
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The client is a listed company that produces functional materials. Weijie designed and built a fully automated production line for new materials for it. The materials transported are slaked lime and white clay, with a total production capacity of 36 tons per day.
Bulk materials are pneumatically transported from tank trucks to an 80 cubic meter outdoor large silo. The materials are transported from the large silo to a weighing tank. The weighing tank measures the required materials according to the preset formula of the central control system, realizing fully automated material processing, greatly saving transportation costs and labor costs, and can monitor the use of materials in real time. Dust collector dust emission concentration ≤30mg/Nm3. Noise index: less than 80DB when tested at 1 meter away from the equipment. The control logic is simple and easy to use, the operation is smooth, and the weighing error is less than 0.5%. The logical chain is perfect, and the operation is safe and guaranteed.
Žāvēšanas sistēmas var iedalīt daudzos veidos saskaņā ar dažādiem darbības principiem un dizainu, piemēram, jostas žāvētāji, smidzināšanas žāvētāji, bungu žāvētāji, viršanas žāvētāji, gaisa plūsmas žāvētāji, vakuuma žāvētāji utt.
Aktivizētā tvertne ir sava veida iekārta, ko parasti izmanto rūpnieciskajā ražošanā. Tās galvenā funkcija ir vienmērīgi transportēt pulverveida, granulētus un citus beztaras materiālus no tvertnes vai tvertnes uz nākamo procesu.
Metāla detektoru galvenās pielietojuma jomas ir pārtika, medicīna, kosmētika, tekstilizstrādājumi un citas nozares. Metāla detektora darbības princips parasti ietver centrālo raidošo spoli un divas līdzvērtīgas uztveršanas spoles.
Negatīvs spiediens Sakņu pūtējs nozīmē, ka pūtēja radītā gaisa plūsma ir negatīvs spiediens. Negatīvā spiedienā Sakņu pūtējs nepārtrauktas kustības laikā rada ātrgaitas gaisa plūsmu, lai iesūktu gāzi un citas transportējamās vielas, un pēc tam saspiež un transportē gāzi un citas vielas caur rotējošu darba stāvokli.